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NEW MATHS GCSE CLASSEs for Years 9 - 11

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Colchester Sports Park, Colchester, UK


Monday evenings

6-7pm Year 10

7-8pm Year 9

8-9pm Year 11 


Highly structured small group classes, with

homework set and marked each week.


Explore the website to find out more. You can also send me a message.


The more you put in, the more progress you will make. Commit to working hard during the one hour session, completing all homework tasks and asking for help whenever you need further explanation.


A small, supportive group is the best environment to grow your confidence and enjoy learning together.  


Thorough teaching, group consolidation, independent practice and individual feedback are key to success.

For Students


Miriam Parker is the sole tutor for MathsIntuition.  With 30 years of Maths teaching experience, in both state and independent schools, she loves inspiring young people to succeed in Maths.  She currently teaches GCSE and A level Maths & Further Maths at a local Grammar school.  With three older children of her own, she is keen to work alongside parents in helping their teenage children to achieve their potential.

Group Classes

Group learning has significant advantages.  A collaborative approach gives the opportunity to articulate ideas to others and can provide some healthy competition too!  The hour will begin with structured teaching on the topic of the week, followed by group tasks and individual work to consolidate understanding.  Each group will have a maximum of four students, creating a relational, relaxed but focused atmosphere.  Initial assessments will ensure each student is allocated to the most suitable group.


Completion of work after each lesson is an integral part of the tuition.  The homework will enable vital consolidation of understanding and practice of GCSE exam-style questions.  The weekly homework will consist of online exercises and written work to be handed in.  Feedback will be given to students and parents informed if work is not completed.

VENUE: colchester sports park

The group classes are held in a meeting room next to the cafe inside the new Colchester Sports Park.  Parking is free and family are welcome to wait in the cafe area during the classes.  


MathsIntuition is committed to high standards in the safeguarding and care of children and young people. Miriam Parker has a current DBS certificate, available for parents to see.  Click here for the safeguarding policy. 

Dates & times

Classes will be held on Monday evenings during term time.  See calendar for further details.  


Initial assessment : £25

Termly charge: £275

For Parents


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